Associate Professor
Ph.D – Nutrition, University of California at Davis
M.S. – Nutriton, University of California at Davis
B.S. – Biochemistry, University of WIsconsin at Madison
Principal Research Interest:
Breastfeeding support for low-income and working women, improving infant feeding practices in low income families
Research Summary:
Research has shown lower breastfeeding rates in women working full time compared with those working part time or not employed. Limited research has shown the difficulties encountered by women seeking to combine breastfeeding and employment, but almost no research has been done to determine how the environment within companies influence women’s perceptions of the appropriateness of returning to work as a breastfeeding mother, or what components of that environment are most important in encouraging or discouraging a these new mother employees in attempts to combine breastfeeding and work. We have been funded by USDA to investigate this workplace environment. We have developed three instruments for this investigation: an assessment of new mother employees’ perceptions, a survey of company policies and practices on breastfeeding support, and an assessment of manager attitudes toward breastfeeding support. We recently used these three instruments in a sample of Michigan, Oregon and Washington companies to assess workplace climate, and the determinants and interactions among components of these climates as viewed by new mother employees in the companies.
Our laboratory has also done program evaluation to determine the best way to target breastfeeding support to low income women.
Extension nutrition education programs have not historically focused on nutrition education with infants, in part due to lack of training and curriculum on infant feeding. We have developed an education curriculum to improve infant feeding practices among low-income women in the first months of their infant’s life. We have used the curriculum in an infant feeding intervention in low income African American and Hispanic Women in Michigan and Colorado, through the Expanded Food Nutrition Education Programs (EFNEP) in both states. This work is necessary to demonstrate the effectiveness of this curriculum in improving infant feeding practices. Taken together, our work in improving understanding of breastfeeding and breastfeeding support in low income and working women, and infant feeding practices up through the first year of life, will provide knowledge, tools and education needed for families to begin the feeding of their children in the most healthy way possible.
Representative Publications
Olson BH, Sigman-Grant M, Braun MT. Workplace Lactation Support: Using Implementation Climate to Inform a New Model. Breastfeed Med. 2020. 15(6). doi: 10.1089/bfm.2020.0037
Macmillan Uribe AL‡, Olson BH. Development and Evaluation of the Infant Feeding Education Questionnaire for the Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program. J Nutr Ed Behav 2020. 52(2):162-70.
Patterson JA‡, Keuler NS, Eglash AR, Olson BH. Outpatient Breastfeeding Champion Program: Breastfeeding Support in Primary Care. Breastfeed Med. 2020. 15(1);44-48 . doi: 10.1089/bfm.2019.0108.
MacMillan Uribe AL‡, Bolton TA, Woelky KR, Olson BH. Exploring Human Resource Managers’ Decision-Making Process for Workplace Breastfeeding-Support Benefits Following the Passage of the Affordable Care Act. Matern Child Health J 2019. 23(10):1348-1359. doi: 10.1007/s10995-019-02769-6.
MacMillan Uribe AL‡, Olson BH. Exploring Healthy Eating and Exercise Behaviors Among Low-Income Breastfeeding Mothers. J Hum Lact. 2019 35(1) 59-70. doi: 10.1177/0890334418768792
Chipilski M, Baker S, Olson B, Auld G. Evaluation and Lessons Learned From the Development and Implementation of an Online Prenatal Nutrition Training for EFNEP Paraprofessionals. J Nutr Ed Behav 2019. 51(6) 749-57.
Macmillan Uribe L‡, Woelky KR, Olson BH. Exploring Family Medicine Providers’ Perspectives on Group-Care Visits for Maternal and Infant Nutrition Education. J Nutr Ed Behav 2019 51(4):409-18.
Patterson JA‡, Keuler NS, Olson BH. The Effect of Maternity Practices on Exclusive Breastfeeding Rates in US Hospitals. Matern Child Nutr. 2018 Sep 4:e12670. doi: 10.1111/mcn.12670.
Patterson JA‡, Keuler NS, Olson BH. The Effect of Baby-friendly Status on Exclusive Breastfeeding in US Hospitals. Matern Child Nutr. 2018 14:e12589. doi: https://10.1111/mcn.12589.
Payton C, Romney M, Olson B, Abatemarco DJ, LaNoue M, Leader A. Evaluation of Workplace Lactation Support Among Employers in Two Pennsylvania Cities. Business Horizons 2019. 62(5): 579-87.
Horodynski MA, Pierce SJ, Reyes-Gastelum D, Olson B, Shattuck M. Feeding Practices and Infant Growth: Quantifying the Effects of Breastfeeding Termination and Complementary Food Introduction on BMI z-Score Growth Velocity through Growth Curve Models. Childhood Obesity, 2017 Dec;13(6):490-498. doi: 10.1089/chi.2017.0079.
Rozga MR‡, Benton PA, Kerver JM, Olson BH. An Integrated Model of Breastfeeding Peer Counseling Support is Feasible and Associated with Improved Exclusive Breastfeeding. Matern Child Health J. (2016) Dec;20(12):2589-2598. doi:10.1007/s10995-016-2086-x
Rozga MR‡, Kerver JM, Olson BH. Prioritization of Resources for Participants in a Peer Counseling Breastfeeding Support Program. Journal of Human Lactation. 2015 Feb;31(1):111-9. (Editorial Board Research Paper of the Year Award)
Rozga MR‡, Kerver JM, Olson BH. Self-Reported Reasons for Breastfeeding Cessation Among Low-Income Women Enrolled in a Peer Counseling Breastfeeding Support Program. Journal of Human Lactation. 2015 Feb;31(1):129-37
Mullins J, Chapman-Novakofski K, Franck K, Olson B et al. Food and Nutrition Extension Programs: Next Generation Impact Evaluation, Journal of Extension. 2015. Aug:53(4) Article # 4FEA1.
Haider SJ, Chang LV, Bolton TA, Gold JG, Olson BH. An Evaluation of the Effects of a Peer Counseling Breastfeeding Support Program on Infant Health Outcomes. Health Services Research. Health Services Research. 2014 Dec;49(6):2017-34.
Rozga MR‡, Kerver JM, Olson BH. Impact of peer counselling breast-feeding support programme protocols on any and exclusive breast-feeding discontinuation in low-income women. Public Health Nutrition. 2014 May 8:1-11.
Momin SR‡ and Olson BH. Developing and Testing Nutrition Messages for Asian Indian Mothers. Journal of Nutrition and Health. 2014. 1(3) doi:10.15744/2393-9060.1.301.
Horodynski MA, Baker S, Van Egeren L, Olson B, Brophy-Herb H, Auld G. The Healthy Babies Curriculum. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior. 2014. 46:151-2.
Momin SR‡, Chung KR, Olson BH.A Qualitative Study to Understand Positive and Negative Child Feeding Behaviors of Immigrant Asian Indian Mothers in the US. Maternal and Child Health Journal. 2013 Dec 15. [Epub ahead of print]
Fischer TP‡, Olson BH. A Qualitative Study to Understand Cultural Factors Affecting a Mother’s Decision to Breast or Formula Feed. Journal of Human Lactation. 2014. 30(2):209-16
Chow T‡, Wolfe EW, Olson BH. Development, Content Validity and Piloting of an Instrument Designed to Measure Managers’ Attitude Toward Workplace Breastfeeding Support. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. 2012. 11:1042-1047.
Hojnacki S‡, Bolton T‡, Fulmer IS, Olson BH. Development and Piloting of an Instrument that Measures Company Support for Breastfeeding. J Hum Lact. 2012. 28: 20-27.
Horodynski MA, Olson B, Baker S, Brophy-Herb H, Auld G, Van Egeren L, Lindau J, Singleterry L. Healthy Babies through Infant-Centered Feeding Protocol: An Intervention Targeting Early Childhood Obesity in Vulnerable Populations. BMC Public Health. 2011, 11: 868.
Chow T‡, Fulmer IS, Olson BH. Perspectives of Managers Toward Workplace Breastfeeding Support in the State of Michigan. Journal of Human Lactation. 2011. 27(2):138-146.
Sigman-Grant M, Strom H, Stanek Krogstrand K, Olson BH, Wengreen H, Mobley AR. Qualitative Evidence of the Disconnect Between Intent and Interpretation of Common Child Obesity Prevention Messages. The Forum for Family & Consumer Issues (FFCI). 2010. 15(3).
Silk K, Horodynski MA, Brophy-Herb HE, Olson BH, Aldrich R. Strategies to Increase Health Literacy in The Infant Feeding Series (TIFS): A Six-Lesson Curriculum for Low-Income Mothers. Health Promotion and Practice 2010. 11: 226-234.
Olson BH, Haider SJ, Vangjel MA, Bolton TA‡, Gold JG. A Quasi Experimental Evaluation of a Breastfeeding Support Program for Low Income Women. Maternal and Child Health Journal. 2010. 14(1): 86-93.
Olson BH, Horodynski MA, Brophy-Herb HE, Iwanski K‡. Health Professionals’ Perspectives on the Infant Feeding Practices of Low Income Mothers. Maternal and Child Health Journal. 2010. 14(1): 75-85.
Bolton TA‡, Chow T‡, Benton PA, Olson BH. Characteristics Associated With Longer Breastfeeding Duration: An Analysis of a Peer Counseling Support Program. Journal of Human Lactation. 2009. 25:18-27.
Olson BH, Chung K, Schoemer S‡, Reckase M. Parental Influences on Dairy Intake in Children, and their Role in Child Calcium-Fortified Food Use. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior. 2009. 41:53-7.
Brophy-Herb HE, Silk K, Horodynski MA, Mercer L, Olson BH. Key theoretical frameworks for intervention: Understanding and Promoting Behavior Change in Parent-Infant Feeding Choices in a Low-Income Population. Journal of Primary Prevention. 2009. 30:191-208.
Horodynski M, Olson BH, Brophy-Herb H, Silk K, & Shirer K. The Infant Feeding Series (TIFS) Curriculum. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior. 2008. 40:187-8.
Greene S‡, Wolfe E, Olson BH. Assessing the Validity of Measures of an Instrument Designed to Measure Female Employees’ Perceptions of Workplace Breastfeeding Support. Breastfeeding Medicine. 2008. 3:159-63.
Greene S‡, Olson BH. The Development of an Instrument to Measure Female Employees’ Perceptions of Workplace Breastfeeding Support. Breastfeeding Medicine. 2008. 3:151-7.
Horodynski M, Olson BH, Arndt MJ, Brophy-Herb H, Shirer K, Runoavaara D, Benton P, Padonu G, Weir G, Shemanski R. Low-Income Mother’s Decisions Regarding When and Why to Introduce Solid Foods to Their Infants: Influencing Factors. Journal of Community Health Nursing. 2007. 24:101-18.
Meier ER, Olson BH, Benton P, Eghtedary K, Song W.O. A Qualitative Evaluation of a Breastfeeding Peer Counselor Program. Journal of Human Lactation. 2007. 23:262-8.
(‡Graduate student advisee)
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