Please consider making a tax-deductible gift to the University of Wisconsin Foundation put toward the Department of Nutritional Sciences. Your donation to the Department of Nutritional Sciences is so much more than a gift. Over the past 50 plus years, you have supported our research, our faculty, our students, and the building we call home. Your gift is essential to the operation of the department and it allows us to continue to be one of the top nutrition departments in the world. We cannot thank you enough and we are humbled by your continued support.
To make a gift online, visit the University of Wisconsin Foundation. You can also make a check payable to the University of Wisconsin Foundation and mail it with this completed form to: University of Wisconsin Foundation; U.S. Bank Lockbox, Box 78807, Milwaukee, WI 53278-0807.
The Nutritional Sciences Department appreciates any and all funding it receives. If you are interested in helping the department and would like to donate to a particular cause the following are a few specific funds we have decided to highlight:
A.E. Harper Graduate Program Fund – Fund Number: 132041328
Provides support for Nutrition and Metabolism graduate students and programming. Alfred E. Harper led the founding of the Department of Nutritional Sciences and served as its first Chair from 1968-1982. A native of Lethbridge, Alberta, Harper arrived on campus in 1949. He began research on amino acids, the building blocks of proteins, in the lab of biochemist Conrad Elvehjem. Harper served as a member of the National Academy of Sciences Food and Nutrition Board, the 1969 White House Conference on Nutrition, the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization/World Health Organization Expert Committee on Protein and Energy, the U.S. Department of Agriculture/National Institutes of Health Committee on Dietary Allowances, and the USDA Human Nutrition Board of Scientific Counselors. During his career, Harper guided 30 students to master’ s degrees and another 44 to doctorates in biochemistry or nutrition.
Dorothy J. Pringle Nutritional Sciences Fund– Fund Number: 32040173
Established on December 31, 1986 by Dr. Julie P. Thurlow to honor Dr. Dorothy J. Pringle. This fund provides support for undergraduates in dietetics and nontenure track faculty for travel and other educational experience, and expenses. Often, instructors have benefited from the Pringle Fund by attending meetings and purchasing technology they otherwise would not be able to. Dr. Pringle was an Emeritus Nutritional Sciences faculty member, the first director of the Coordinated Undergraduate Program, and was the donor’s undergraduate advisor. Dr. Pringle was at the UW from 1949 until her retirement in 1985 and continued to be involved with the department until her passing at 97 years young in 2016.
Elmer Martin Billings and Jean Hood Billings Professorship in Nutrition Fund – Fund Number: 132042840
Supports the needs of the professorship, including but not limited to books, research assistants, travel and other enhancements of teaching and scholarly activity.
Hellen M. Linkswiler Graduate Student Award Fund– Fund Number: 3204282
Supports an annual scholarship to a student enrolled in the Masters of Science in Clinical Nutrition. The friends and colleagues of the late Dr. Hellen M. Linkswiler and the Department of Nutritional Sciences, College of Agricultural and Life Sciences set up this fund. Dr. Linkswiler received her MS in Foods and Nutrition and her Ph.D. in Nutrition and Physiology from Madison, and was a Professor of Nutritional Sciences at UW-Madison from 1960 until her retirement in 1981.
Karen Spector Scholarship in Dietetics Fund – Fund Number: 132045322
Supports dietetics students who have demonstrated exceptional motivation and work ethic. Established by Dianne and Jerome Spector on February 19, 1988 in memory of their daughter, Karen Spector. This scholarship was created “to encourage and assist students in the Department who have enthusiasm, creativity and imagination similar to their daughter Karen,” the recipient shall be a person who gives that extra measure of hard work that makes an impact on others and sets himself/herself apart from the crowd. The individual should be a person who makes the world a better place because they do a bit more and reflect the attitude that one person could make a difference.
Lida A. Jamison Endowment Fund – Fund Number: 32041929
Supports faculty startup funds for new professors. Established in 1994 with a gift from her estate, the Lida A. Jamison Nutritional Sciences Endowment Fund supports projects within the department. Using this fund, Dr. Brian Parks was able to support the purchase of a state-of-the-art animal body composition analyzer, a quantitative PCR machine, and other biomedical laboratory equipment necessary to begin research. Dr. Adam Kuchnia was also able to utilize these funds to start his lab off in the right direction by purchasing cutting-edge imaging equipment needed to conduct his research in body composition and muscle metabolism.