Cargill-Benevenga Research Stipend

Cargill-Benevenga Research stipend

Application Procedure

Any undergraduate in a Nutritional Sciences major, or any undergraduate student working on a research project with a faculty member in the Department of Nutritional Sciences, may be considered for the stipend-based research award. Completed application form, recommendations, and research proposal can be mailed to or dropped off with your academic advisor.

There is no specific application deadline for this award and applications
will be considered as they are received.

About the donors:

Since retiring in 2002, Norlin Benevenga has been active on campus as the chair of the CALS animal Care and Use Committee and also the All Campus Animal Care and Use Panel. In addition to chairing the animal care committees, Dr. Benevenga has also developed an animal enrichment device that can be used with laboratory rats and mice.  It is called the Ratloft and a web page designed by his daughter can be found at Research Animal Welfare Equipment, LLC. Dr. Benevenga is glad to have the good fortune to come to campus each day and have the chance to work with both graduate students and undergraduate students who wish to get a start in hands-on-research.