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Thomas D. Crenshaw is a Professor in the Department of Animal and Dairy Sciences with an affiliation with the Interdepartmental Graduate Program in Nutritional Sciences. His primary research emphasis is animal nutrition. Crenshaw received a Ph.D. (1980) and M.S. (1977) degrees at the University of Nebraska in swine nutrition and a B.S. (1974) degree in Animal Sciences at the University of Tennessee-Martin.
Swine nutrition is Crenshaw’s primary area of expertise. Throughout his research career, two primary research themes have focused on nutritional factors that enhance bone integrity and the cation-anion balance of mineral elements. These research efforts have required integration of biochemical, physiological, and cellular pathways, with inorganic chemistry, and mechanical engineering principles. Crenshaw’s research expertise has attracted strong interactions with researchers in academia and the commercial swine nutrition industry. His expertise in the use of swine as a biomedical model has allowed collaborations with researchers in mechanical engineering, orthopedic surgery, urology, human nutrition, and biochemistry. Additional major research efforts have included projects in amino acid nutrition and use of fatty acids as energy supplements to enhance neonatal pig survival.
Crenshaw has provided leadership for the U.W. Swine Research and Teaching Center throughout his career. The center supports practical agricultural research and basic swine biomedical research. This role has allowed contributions to research projects in nutrition, breeding and reproduction, gene editing, biomedical models, animal behavior, biosecurity requirements for animal health, housing and ventilation requirements, and surgical procedures.
Crenshaw has authored or co-authored 124 peer-reviewed publications, 50 conference proceedings and book chapters, and 36 extension publications.
Selected Peer-Reviewed Articles
Charles C. Hower, Alexey A. Minaev, Laura A. Amundson, Thomas D. Crenshaw, Corinne
R. Henak. 2023. Effect of Mineral Diets on the Development of Cartilage Material
Properties. J. Biomechanics (2, 5, 7)
Changqing Li, Jie Chen, Jiajie Wang, Rose Whelan, Daniel E. Butz, Mitchell D. Ramuta,
Wentao Wang, Jiachen Li, Xin Yang, Yanli Liu, Xiaojun Yang, Mark E. Cook, Thomas
D. Crenshaw, Zhouzheng Ren. 2023. Effects of dietary sulfur amino acid levels on
growth performance and intestinal immunity in broilers vaccinated and subsequently
infected with coccidiosis. Poult. Sci. 102 (4): 102557.
Jingyi Wang, Brittney P. Kokinos, Pamela J. Lang, Thomas D. Crenshaw, and Corinne R.
Henak. 2022. Vitamin D deficient diet alters porcine growth plate properties
differentially across anatomical locations. J. Biomechanics. 144:111314. (2, 5, 7)
Liao X, Yan J, Chen J, Huang Z, Xiao T, Li C, Pan C, Yang X, Liu Y, Crenshaw TD, Yang X, Ren Z. 2022. A simple daily dynamic feeding regimen for reducing phosphorus consumption and excretion in laying hens. Animal Nutrition, (2, 5)
Braz, Camila U., Todd A. Taylor, Hadjer Namous, Jessica Townsend, Thomas Crenshaw, and Hasan Khatib. 2022. Paternal diet induces transgenerational epigenetic inheritance of DNA methylation signatures and phenotypes in sheep model. PNAS Nexus 1(2):1-10. (1, 5)
Mariola Grez Capdeville and Thomas D. Crenshaw. 2021. Evaluation of calcium to phosphorus ratio in spot urine samples as a practical method to monitor phosphorus intake adequacy in sows. J. Anim. Sci. 99:1-7. (5)
Grez Capdeville, M. and T. D. Crenshaw. 2021. Estimation of phosphorus requirements of sows based on 24-hour urinary phosphorus excretion during gestation and lactation. Br J Nutr 1-12. doi: 10.1017/S0007114521003421. (2, 5)
Korth, Kyle, Scott Bolam, Ellen Leiferman, Thomas Crenshaw, Michael Dray, Haemish Crawford, Maegen Wallace, Matthew A. Halanski. 2021. Histologic and radiographic evaluation of three common tendon transfer techniques in an un-ossified bone porcine model: Implications for early anterior tibialis tendon transfers in children with clubfeet. J. Child Orthop. 15:443-450. DOI: 10.1302/1863-2548.15.210076 (7)
Collins, Caitlyn J., Baixuan Yang, Thomas D. Crenshaw, and Heidi-Lynn Ploeg. 2020. Evaluation of experimental, analytical, and computational methods to determine long-bone bending stiffness. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials 115: 104253. (5)
Amundson, L. A, and T. D. Crenshaw. 2020. Lessons learned from the hypovitaminosis D kyphotic pig model. J Anim Sci. 98 (Suppl 1.): S52-S57. https://doi:10.1093/jas/skaa146 (2, 5)
Grez Capdeville, M. and T. D. Crenshaw. 2020. Peripartum Ca and P homeostasis in multiparous sows fed adequate or excess dietary Ca. Animal 14:1821-1828. (2, 5)
Grez Capdeville, M., N. Gross, J. C. Baker, J. A. Shutter, A. R. Haas, M. E. Wilson, and T. D. Crenshaw. 2020. Alleged predisposing dietary factors fail to increase the incidence of osteochondrosis-like lesions in growing pigs at 14 and 24 weeks of age. J Anim Sci 98:1-13 (5)
Halanski, M. A., B. Hildahl, L. A. Amundson, E. Leiferman, A. Gendron-Fitzpatrick, R. Chaudhary, H. M. Hartwig-Stokes, R. McCabe, R. Lenhart, M.Chin, J. Birstler, T.D. Crenshaw. 2018. Maternal diets deficient in vitamin D increase risk of kyphosis in offspring. A novel kyphotic porcine model. J. Bone Joint Surg. 100:406-415. ( (2, 5, 7)
Amundson, L. A., L. L. Hernandez, and T. D. Crenshaw. 2018. Gene expression of MMP9, MMP13, VEGF, and FGF23 in femur and vertebra tissues of the hypovitaminosis D kyphotic pig model. Br J Nutr. 120:404-414. doi: 10.1017/S0007114518001605 (2, 5)
Bromage, T. G., Y. Idaghdour, R. S. Lacruz, T. D. Crenshaw, O. Ovsiy, B. Rotter, K. Hoffmeier, F. Schrenk. 2016. The Swine Metabolome Chronicles “Many Days” Biological Timing and Functions Linked to Growth. PLOS One. 11:1-19. (doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0145919). (1, 2, 7)
Please find a full list of my published work at:
Selected Book Chapters
Crenshaw, T. D. 1991. Sodium, potassium, magnesium and chloride in swine nutrition. In: Swine Nutrition. E. R. Miller, D. E. Ullrey and A. J. Lewis (eds.). Butterworths. Stoneham, MA.
Crenshaw, T. D. (2001). Calcium, phosphorus, vitamin D, and vitamin K in swine nutrition. Swine nutrition. 2nd edition. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, 187-212.
Selected Conference Proceedings
Kokinos, B.P., L.A. Amundson, T.D. Crenshaw, and P.J. Lang. 2022. Comparative
assessments of x-ray, computed tomography, and magnetic resonance images for
diagnosis of early-onset of osteochondrosis-like lesions in distal femurs of
hypovitaminosis-D pigs. Swine in Biomedical Research Conference. Madison, Wisconsin.
June 10-14, 2022. (5, 6, 7)
Amundson, L.A., B.P. Kokinos, T.D. Crenshaw, M.A. Halanski, C. Henak, and P.J. Lang.
2022. The hypovitaminosis-D swine model for kyphosis and osteochondrosis. Swine in
Biomedical Research Conference. Madison, Wisconsin. June 10-14, 2022. (5, 6, 7)
Cacious B. Phiri, Christopher Davis, Bryan M. Gannon, Michael Grahn, Thomas
Crenshaw, Sherry Tanumihardjo. 2022. Vitamin D influences growth of swine on the
background of vitamin A deficiency and hypervitaminosis. Swine in Biomedical
Research Conference. Madison, Wisconsin. June 10-14, 2022. (5, 7)
Grez Capdeville, M. and T.D. Crenshaw. 2021. Assessment of dietary phosphorus
adequacy for sows using urinary diagnostics. 82nd Minnesota Nutrition Conference
Proceedings. September 22 – 23, 2021. Mankato, MN. (pages 1 to 5). (5)
Crenshaw, T.D. and M. Grez Capdeville. 2021. Calcium and phosphorus homeostasis in
reproducing sows – a focus on mineral efficiencies. 82nd Minnesota Nutrition
Conference Proceedings. September 22 – 23, 2021. Mankato, MN. (pages 1 to 5). (2, 5)
Grez Capdeville, M. and T.D. Crenshaw. 2019. Evidence-based guides for mineral
supplements of sow diets. Am. Assoc. Swine Veter. Conference. Orlando, FL. March 10,
2019. (5)
Crenshaw, T. D. and L. A. Rortvedt-Amundson. 2014. Nutritionally induced cellular
signals that affect skeletal integrity in swine. Proc 23rd International Pig Veterinary
Society, IPVS Congress, Cancun, Mexico, vol. 1:75-83. (5)
Wilson, M. E., K. J. Rozeboom, and T. D. Crenshaw. 2004. Boar Nutrition for Optimum Sperm Production. Banff Swine Conference. Banff Canada. Adv. Pork Prod. 15:295-306.
Crenshaw, T. D. 2009. Nutritional Implications for Osteochondrosis and Related Lameness Problems in Sows. DSM Nutritional Products. European Swine Tours. (Germany, Austria, Spain, England, France and Switzerland).
Crenshaw, T. D., J. L. Reichert, J. R. Booth, D. K. Schneider, and L. A. Rortvedt-Amundson. 2013. Clinical diagnosis of skeletal integrity in swine. Leman Swine Veterinary Conference Proceedings. September 17, 2013. St Paul MN.
Amundson (Rortvedt), L. A. and T. D. Crenshaw. 2015. Emerging insights into classical cases of nutritionally induced lameness in pigs. Proc 46th Am Assoc Swine Veterinarians meeting. February 28, 2015. Orlando, FL
Crenshaw, T. D. and L. A. Amundson. 2016. Vitamin D: its role in productivity and animal well-being. Proceedings Congress Latin America Nutrition Association. Cancun, Mexico. October 10-14, 2016. (Crenshaw invited speaker).
Selected Popular Press Articles
Grez, M., and T. D. Crenshaw. 2017. Hypocalcemia in sows at farrowing: Is there a problem? National Hog Farmer – Research Review 2017. December issue, pp 29.
Cromwell and NCCC42 Swine Nutrition Committee. December 22, 2010. High Levels of DDGS Analyzed in Grow-Finish Diets. National Hog Farmer.
Endochondral Ossification: The long-range objective is to enhance the productive longevity of swine by reducing the incidence of lameness. Lameness problems cannot be solved simply by adding more Ca and P to the diet.
Current projects involve the study of dietary fatty acid ratios (n-3:n-6 fatty acids) on bone integrity and remodeling. The ratio of dietary fatty acids may alter the precursor pools of long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids which serve as precursors for prostaglandin synthesis. In connective tissue, prostaglandins serve as important signals regulating the balance between resorption and formation in bone and cartilage. In order to assess the effects of dietary fatty acids on the synthesis and release of Prostaglandins, bone cells will be harvested from animals preconditioned to diets with different fatty acid ratios. Mechanical strains on bone, which induce prostaglandin release, will be used in vivo to confirm responses observed in the in vitro experiments.
Cation-Anion Balance: Diets typically consumed by monogastric animals result in a net acid load that is compensated by renal ammoniagenesis and phosphate excretion (see figure). The ultimate source (bone stores vs. diet) of the phosphate excreted in response to the acidogenic diet is not well established. Depletion of bone phosphate would compromise bone integrity. We are using histomorphometric techniques as well as standard mineral balance techniques to evaluate the effects of acidogenic diets on bone in adult swine.
Renal compensated acidosis results from the consumption of acidogenic diets. The balance of dietary cations and anions presented to the kidneys is influenced by the rates of soft tissue and bone accretion as well as fecal ion excretion. Major compensation occurs by an increase in renal ammonium and monobasic phosphate excretion.
Lysine Utilization: Lysine, the first limiting amino acid in swine diets, is a major economic determinant in production costs. The maximum efficiency of lysine utilization for lean gain occurs at 50 to 60% of the lysine level required for maximum growth. Logistic curve fitting techniques are being used to develop response curves for alternate lysine sources. From predicted based upon a defined set of feed ingredient costs.
Undergraduate Courses
An Sci/Dy Sci/Nutr Sci 311 – Comparative Animal Nutrition (3 credits)
Course Description: Nutrients and their source, assimilation, function and requirement.
Requirements: Must have completed BMOLCHEM 314 Intro to Human Biochemistry or CHEM 341 Intro Organic Chemistry or CHEM 343 Intro Organic Chemistry or BIOCHEM 501 Intro Biochemistry
An Sci 415 – Application of Monogastric Nutrition Principles (2 credits)
Course Description: Nutrient requirements for growth and production of monogastric animals. Discuss concepts of establishing nutrient requirements and feeding strategies. Laboratory exercises are designed to develop problem-solving skills required for the assessment of nutritional adequacy and economical soundness of feeding programs.
Requirements: An Sci/DY SCI/AN SCI/NUTR SCI 311 313
An Sci 432 – Swine Production (3 credits)
Course Description: Application of research findings in breeding, feeding, management and marketing to modernize production. Lab: Farm visits, practical exercises in testing changes, “tools” used by producers. Prior completion of DY SCI/AN SCI 313 highly recommended.
Requirements: NUTR SCI/AN SCI/DY SCI 311, DY SCI/AN SCI 361, or DY SCI/AN SCI 434
Graduate Courses
An Sci/Nutr Sci 626 – Experimental Diet Design (1 credit)
Course Description: Discuss nutrient requirements, composition of ingredients used to meet requirements and the mathematical steps involved in diet formulation with emphasis on research animals and human subjects.
Requirements: Graduate/professional standing, STATS 301 and (NUTR SCI/BIOCHEM 510 or concurrent enrollment)
An Sci/Dy Sci 931 – Seminar in Animal Nutrition (1 credit)
Course Description: Discussion of literature that has a bearing on animal nutrition. Students are to survey the literature and present a seminar.
Requirements: Graduate/professional standing
1980 – present NCCC42 Swine Nutrition Committee.
1994-97, 2000-08, 2023 CALS – RARC IACUC committee
1996-2016 Co-advisor. Alpha Gamma Rho fraternity.
1997-02, 2006-15 Interdepartmental Graduate Program in Nutritional Sciences – Graduate Admissions Committee.
2001-2020 Interdepartmental Graduate Program in Nutritional Sciences- Chair Animal Nutrition Emphasis group.
2009-2016 Undergraduate Curriculum Committee, chair 2011-16
2011-2014 Academic Planning Committee – CALS
2012-2020 CALS Feed mill committee.
2013-2019 DSM Vitamin Advisory Board
2014-2017 CALS Research Advisory Committee.
2016-2019 Chair, Department of Animal Sciences.
2018-2019 Merger Committee, Departments of Animal Sciences and Dairy Science
Editorial Boards
Journal of Animal Science–Editorial Board Member: 1985-88, 1995-98, 2005-07, and 2008-12; Associate Editor: 2012-2015
Professional Society Offices and Committee Memberships
American Society of Animal Science (ASAS), member 1975-pres. — Committee on Companion Animal Biology: 2001-02; Midwest ASAS –Executive Board Member, President-elect, President, and Past President: 2008-2011; Triennial Growth Symposium, chair 2013
American Society of Nutritional Science (ASN), member 1985-pres. — Animal Nutrition Research Interest committee member: 2006-2007
American Society for Bone and Mineral Research (ASBMR), member: 1989-pres.
1994 Honorary Saddle & Sirloin Award, UW-Madison Saddle and Sirloin Club – award to recognize support for the Department of Animal Sciences undergraduate student club
2000 UW-Madison College of Agriculture and Life Sciences (CALS) Outstanding Advisor Award – this award recognizes demonstration of a deep concern for the welfare of CALS students with investment of exceptional time and effort in providing them with academic or personal guidance.
2007 Distinguished Service Award, Wisconsin Pork Association – recognition for service to the Wisconsin swine producers.
2012 Wisconsin Agricultural and Life Sciences Alumni Association 40 in 40 Impact Award – honored 40 individuals on the 40th anniversary of WALSAA who have made a difference in farms, classrooms, laboratories, and/or businesses in Wisconsin
2013 J.S. Donald Short Course Teaching Award, UW-Madison CALS- awarded to an individual who has demonstrated passion and success in teaching and advising students in the short course format
2016 Arthur J. Maurer Extra Mile award, UW-Madison CALS – this award recognizes an individual who has shown unusual concern for students and has provided service far beyond the call of duty
2016 ASAS Gary L. Cromwell Award for Research in Mineral Nutrition – award by the American Society of Animal Science to recognize excellence in research dealing with mineral nutrition of livestock