Funding and Advising

Funding and Tuition

Nutrition and Metabolism Graduate Program PhD students are fully funded, with a competitive annual stipend in addition to tuition remission. The University of Wisconsin provides healthcare plans in which the student may choose their preferred plan.

Advising and Mentoring

The Nutrition and Metabolism Graduate Program emphasizes the importance of the advising and mentorship relationship throughout graduate school. The Nutrition and Metabolism Program requires faculty trainers to engage in mentorship training every 5 years. In addition, the Nutrition and Metabolism Program requires rotations for first semester PhD students and annual committee meetings.


During the first semester, PhD students accepted into the Nutrition and Metabolism Graduate Program spend time with faculty on a rotational basis. This provides students the opportunity to learn about the research being done by a particular faculty and, in the process, discover more about their own research interests. Upon completion of the rotation period, PhD students join a faculty member’s lab for completion of their degree. In addition to serving as a research mentor, the faculty member also serves as the student’s academic advisor. Students work with their faculty mentor to discuss course selection/completion and frequently review overall progress.


Students and their mentors choose committee members based on such things as mutual research interests and professional experiences that may be beneficial to the student’s research and future career. This committee meets at least annually to provide feedback and assistance.

For more information on degree requirements, timelines, dissertation/thesis requirements and preliminary and final examinations please refer to the Nutrition and Metabolism Graduate Program Handbook.

SciMed GRS funding opportunities