
Predoctoral: Students must be in a lab of one of the MANTP trainers or associate trainers.  Each student must complete the core class requirements for their own graduate program. Additional MANTP required classes are listed below.

Core Course Requirements

    1. Nutr Sci 619 – Intermediary Metabolism of Macronutrients. The regulation of biochemical pathways and nutritional principles of macronutrient metabolism (3 credit).
    2. Nutr Sci 621 – Intro. to Nutritional Epidemiology. Techniques for evaluating relationships of diet to health/disease in human populations (1 credit).
    3. Nutr Sci 623 – Minerals. Metabolic roles and metabolism of minerals; nutritional/toxicological standards; bioavailability; genetic interactions (1 credit).
    4. Nutr Sci 625 – Obesity and Diabetes.  Physiology, biochemistry and genetics of human obesity and diabetes; recent literature on the etiology and treatment of obesity (1 credit).
    5. Nutr Sci 626 – Experimental Diet Design. Nutrient requirements, diet ingredients used to meet requirements; mathematical steps used in diet formulation for research animals & humans (1 credit).
    6. Nutri Sci 627 – Vitamins. Metabolic functions, metabolism and nutritional requirements for some of the water-soluble vitamins and all of the fat-soluble vitamins (1 credit).

    These core courses provide predoctoral trainees with a common foundation of graduate level nutrition. Nutrition and Metabolism Graduate Program students in the MANTP will take these classes as part of their core class requirement. Participation in these courses will ensure that students who pursue differing areas of specialization have an understanding of the breadth of modern nutrition research.

  • MANTP-specific breadth requirement:  MANTP trainees will be required to take one class outside of their general area of research from the list of approved “breadth” classes.  For instance, students with an overall molecular nutrition emphasis must choose one class from the list of “Applied Nutrition” classes.

Molecular Nutrition:
Biochemistry 620 – Eukaryotic Molecular Biology (2 credit)
Biochemistry 630 – Cellular Signal Transduction Mechanisms (3 credit)
Nutritional Sciences 701 – Nutrient-Gene Interactions (1 credit)
Genetics 565 – Human Genetics (3 credit)
Genetics 875 – Topics in Proteomic and Genomic Analysis (2 credit)

Applied Nutrition:
Population Health Sciences 575 – The Biol. Processes of Aging (3 credit).
Population Health Sciences 794 – Biol. Basis of Popul. Health (1 credit).
Population Health Sciences 797 – Intro. to Epidemiology (3 credit).
Medicine 875 – Prevention of Childhood Obesity (2 credit) (Spring 08)
Nutritional Sciences 875 – Vitamin A: From Molecules to Man (1 credit)

  • MANTP-specific seminar requirements: Typically, graduate programs, require predoctoral students to present an introductory seminar class (1 cr) and 3 (1 cr) topic seminar classes (e.g. Biochemistry 901 or Nutritional Sciences 881).  Students must make a presentation and be graded for all 4 of these seminar classes. MANTP trainees will be required to have at least 1 credit of seminar in Biochemical (Biochem. 901) and Human nutrition seminars (Nutr. Sci. 881).
  • Nutritional Sciences 875 – MANTP Research Seminar and Journal Club: All MANTP predoctoral and postdoctoral trainees are required to participate in the annual trainee-specific MANTP Research Seminar and Journal Club.  Each year the trainee will present a seminar on their research to a group of all other trainees and a portion of the faculty trainers.  Trainees will also participate in a journal club focused on a topic relevant to the MANTP program.  Students will give a journal club presentation on one aspect of the topic for that year which will be either a basic science or an applied/clinical science type paper.  To enhance the breadth of their training students will present a paper outside their own type of research approach (e.g students with basic science projects will present and discuss an applied/clinical science paper). Predoctoral students will enroll in NS 875: MANTP Seminar in the Summer term.


  • Research Ethics: All trainees will be required to take two research ethics classes that are focused on the responsible conduct of research.  The first research ethics class will be taken within your first two semesters appointed to MANTP. The second ethics course will be taken as a refresher around 4 years later. This is a NIH Requirement. The list of available research ethics classes can be found here: The MANTP program coordinator can help you get enrolled in the ethics courses.
  • Teaching Experience: All students who have not been excused on the basis of previous  teaching experience will be involved as “Learning Interns” and will assist in the instruction of primarily undergraduate nutrition or biochemistry courses conducted by Nutrition and Metabolism Graduate Program or IPiB faculty.  This includes leading discussion sections, partial assistance w/grading and 2-3 lectures.